Dr najeeb lectures refund
Dr najeeb lectures refund

Received a reply with a screenshot of 95% refund processed on Aug 31.

  • Aug 31: Neither refund nor proof received - emailed to check again.
  • Received email shortly after, promising refund in 5-7 days + proof. FB responded and asked for my registered ID.
  • Aug 24: Asked for another update, sent a threatening message on Facebook.
  • Aug 19: Asked for another update, no response.
  • Aug 18: Asked for another update, no response.
  • They are looking into this matter very closely."
  • Aug 13: Asked for another update, response: "Your issue is already forwarded to the higher management.
  • They claimed my bank blocked the refund, but my bank says they never received it.
  • July 31: Promised 100% refund within 10 business days, not received.
  • July 22: Promised 100% refund within 72 hours, not received.
  • July 13: Promised 100% refund in 30 days, not received.
  • June 10: Sent milestone screenshots for 95% refund, no response.
  • June 9: Purchased for US$99, promised 100% refund in 30 days, not received.
  • I'm aware that dispute/chargebacks with the bank is an option for some, but this option varies widely by country and may not be available to all If you're in a similar situation or have gotten a refund, please share your experience, and how long / how many emails it took to get your refund. Najeeb, but I'm not sure if this is still the case as of late (edit: I received my refund after 3 months). I understand from some of the older threads that many have gotten their overcharged, shady T&Cs refunds from Dr. Caveat emptor! I'd like to reiterate that I have nothing against his videos, but rather the way they're marketed. If anything, this reveals even more about their ethics. Edit 2 (19 Nov): Seems like the comments are being hijacked by bot profiles - multiple new accounts with (1) the same birthdays, (2) firstname+lastname+3letters username format, (3) stock profile pictures and (4) the only posts are of fake positive reviews on Dr Najeeb complaint threads.

    Dr najeeb lectures refund